Hi!This is my new architectural blog. Or anti-architectural as you will see. There is a lot of sites in the NET where you can find examples of good, maybe genious architectural solutions. Some of them you can see in the bookstores in luxory albums, whitch you can put in your library to take inspiration when you need. But... there is another side of architecture maybe as much enthusiastic but not so, to say, successfull. So as wise people say " here you could see something you should NEVER do!!!". Maybe i am not so wise like these people but i can show you some bad examples in my opinion and even if I am wrong its going to be probably interesting for you to agree or not!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Ideas for flat facades

I will be glad if you find here any idea how to make your flat facade better!

As you see the architect (or the time) work here with just one color plaster and the rest is concrete.

And here we see more materials and colors used to create monumentality - different plasters. more glass, metal and even bricks.

What about this facade? maybe this is the best example here, beecause the solution for the facades is included in the architectural project.

What are you thinking about the green in the center?