Hi!This is my new architectural blog. Or anti-architectural as you will see. There is a lot of sites in the NET where you can find examples of good, maybe genious architectural solutions. Some of them you can see in the bookstores in luxory albums, whitch you can put in your library to take inspiration when you need. But... there is another side of architecture maybe as much enthusiastic but not so, to say, successfull. So as wise people say " here you could see something you should NEVER do!!!". Maybe i am not so wise like these people but i can show you some bad examples in my opinion and even if I am wrong its going to be probably interesting for you to agree or not!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Simple things in life

Lets begin with the simple things in life. Simple but important!

Here you can see one of the most important areas in a small hotel. They said that this is a toilet, but somehow i did not believe them. The good news is that they dont make you pay for enjoying it!